Certain snack foods, sweetened cereals, and a variety of other food products are being marketed in U.S. grocery stores with pictorial or numerical images that are intended to represent nutritional attributes for the product. This labeling, which is voluntary on the part of producers, is part of what is called point of purchase labeling. FDA has taken notice after receiving questions from the public and Congressional representatives concerning the information on the food label, especially “front of package” labeling (FOP). One of the newest types of FOP is the “Smart Choices Program” logo that is proliferating on food products on America’s grocery shelves.
The variety of symbols and other information and a lack of uniform scientific criteria have compelled FDA to initiate a review of FOP labeling. FDA is concerned that some forms of FOP may misbrand a food product making it illegal. The agency believes accurate, truthful, and non-misleading nutritional information for consumers at point of purchase can help consumers make informed choices and construct healthy diets. FDA is interested in finding uniform, scientifically-based standards for representing nutritional attributes of food products.
Firms that market pre-packaged food products must compete for consumers’ attention to attract buyers. The back panel of a food label usually contains required information such as the list of ingredients and important nutrients. FOP labeling and shelf labeling must be consistent with the other information provided in labeling and must accurately represent the nature of the product. It’s what’s up front that consumers see first. As the adage says a picture tells a thousand words. So it is not surprising that as busy shoppers seek more healthful food products, food manufacturers look to symbols as a way to conveniently convey the nutritional value of their products.
Consequently, various symbols, graphic representations, and other images and information are being used in FOP labeling to convey the nutritional value of a product. The issue is complicated by a diverse food products and dietary habits, competing interests, and sometimes equivocal science. Take breakfast cereal for example. Food manufactures in the U.S. produce sweetened cereals designed for children. Some question whether such foods can be considered healthful in view of the amount of sugar that children may consume. Others assert that because studies have shown that children who eat breakfast perform better in school it is better to offer foods that appeal to them.
The Smart Choices program is meant to provide a simple, accurate way for food manufacturers to indicate the nutritional value of food products. The program’s FOP nutrition label includes a Smart Choices logo and caloric numbers indicating the caloric content per serving and the number of servings per package. According to its homepage, the program was developed by a broad coalition from food industry, academia, public health educators, public health organizations, retailers, and others.
Government agencies such as FDA and USDA were observers but did not endorse the program (standard practice for the U.S. government is such circumstances). The program is intended to provide a uniform standard for FOP nutrition labeling that is based on sound scientific criteria consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The Smart Choices program has led to a proliferation of food products on American grocery shelves that bear its logo and caloric numbers as FOP labeling.
A joint August 2009 letter from USDA and FDA to the Smart Choices Program stated that FDA and USDA “would be concerned if any FOP labeling systems used criteria that were not stringent enough to protect consumers against misleading claims; were inconsistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans; or had the effect of encouraging consumers to choose highly processed foods and refined grains instead of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.” In a Guidance for Industry letter regarding point of purchase food labeling, FDA cautioned that FDA will proceed with enforcement action against products that bear false or misleading FOP labeling or that otherwise violate the labeling regulations.
In part, FDA’s concern is based on its own research that has shown, not surprisingly, that when FOP nutrition labeling is used, consumers tend to ignore the nutrition information provided on the back of the package. If the use of the logo, for example, creates an impression about the nutritional value of the product that is not consistent with other nutritional information provided on the label, the product may mislead the consumer, and thus be illegal.
Further, FDA regulations require that nutrient content claims be approved by FDA before they are used. If the logo suggests a nutrient content claim that is not consistent with FDA regulations, the product could be illegal. FDA’s attention is not limited to the Smart Choices program. The agency wants the current plethora of nutrition FOP labeling that is based on varying criteria replaced by a more uniform approach based on sound scientific principles. FDA is developing a proposed regulation to define nutritional criteria for FOP labeling, and FDA intends to continue to evaluate various food labeling approaches and how consumers view the information.
FDA is interested in a program developed in the United Kingdom whereby the government set criteria for voluntary nutrition FOP labeling using traffic light colors (red, yellow, and green) to indicate levels of fat (especially saturated fat), salt, and added sugar a food contains. The more green lights, the more healthful the food.
In Japan, functional foods have a long history of acceptance and current regulations define broad categories of “Food for Special Health Uses” (FOSHU) and “Food with Nutrient Functional Claims” (FNFC). In addition, there are many food products in Japan that fall outside of the defined FOSHU and FNFC categories that have attributes purported to enhance health, such as calcium-enriched cookies. Categories of foods that have health-enhanced claims or information vary among countries. However, it is clear that food manufacturers and government authorities are seeking ways to respond to consumers’ increasing desire for foods designed for health lifestyles.
One interesting note regarding Japan is that the older population still relies primarily on the traditional diet of fish and vegetables and is not so likely to seek health-enhanced foods. Whereas, the younger generation, including the “baby boomers,” who are becoming increasingly dependent on a Western diet and thus more susceptible to chronic disease, are more likely to be attracted to foods with the FOSHU designation or other health-enhancing foods.