Melamine Tainted Milk in China: A Case of Food Adulteration, a Long Standing Economic and Safety Concern for the Food Industry and the Public
The recent public health crisis in China involving the use of the industrial chemical, melamine, to enhance the apparent protein quality of diluted milk illustrates the concerns that led to the formation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the early 1900s. It also brings to mind Dr. Wiley’s famous “poison squad.”
食の安全性への懸念が高まり、米国農務省(USDA)は農産物に使われる化学物質の調査を始めたが、人的資源も乏しく、国民の健康を守るに当たっての権限もごく限られたものだった。「FDAの父」と呼ばれるHarvey Wiley博士がUSDAの化学課(FDAの前身)の主任化学官になったとき、博士は食品や薬品に加えられる化学物質の調査を拡大した。その取り組みの1つには、有志が実際にさまざまな化学物質を摂取し、どういう健康影響が出るかを調べるものまであった。
かの有名な「毒物捜査班」(写真参照)とWiley博士の研究は広く公に知らされ、混ぜ物が加えられた粗悪な食品や医薬品が作られないよう、国の法令制定の動きを紡ぎ出した。米国に新たに食品医薬品法が制定されるに至った決定的な出来事は、1906年にUpton Sinclairの書いた「The Jungle」が出版されたことだ。その本は、食肉加工業の不衛生でひどい実態を暴いた。
Today food products move in a complex global market. Food products adulterated with melamine from China have been found in Japan and as far away as Panama. National health authorities must have sound legal tools for inspection, testing, and enforcement to protect the public and to discourage unscrupulous purveyors of food products from cheating consumers and, as is the case for melamine adulterated milk products in China, from causing adverse health effects.
For decades, even centuries, unscrupulous purveyors of food have tried to increase profits by offering inferior food products and by adding inferior ingredients to food products sold to the unsuspecting public. In 15th Century Europe, laws required that the slaughtering of animals for meat be conducted within the city so that the animals brought to market “on foot” could be inspected and determined to be healthy. In the U.S. in the 1800s and early 1900s, there were no national laws that governed the addition of chemicals to food or the slaughtering of animals for meat.
As concern about food safety increased, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) began research on chemicals used in agricultural products but had few resources and little authority to protect public health. When Dr. Harvey Wiley (the father of FDA) became chief chemist of the USDA’s Division of Chemistry (the forerunner of FDA), he expanded research on chemicals added to food and drugs. Part of his effort involved having volunteers consume various chemicals to see how their health might be affected.
The now famous “poison squad” (see photo) and Dr. Wiley’s research was widely publicized and generated support for national legislation to prevent adulteration of food and drugs. The crucial event that led to a new food and drug laws in the U.S. was the publication of Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle that exposed the terrible, unsanitary conditions of the meat packing industry.
The U.S. Congress passed the meat inspection act and the food and drug act (known as the Wiley Act) of 1906. The laws made the interstate shipment of unsafe, adulterated foods or drugs illegal and established the authority for the government to seize unlawful products and to initiate criminal action against individuals who marketed such products. For the past one hundred years, USDA (meat, poultry, and some egg products) and FDA (all other food and food ingredients) have enforced the adulteration provisions to protect American consumers from adverse health effects and from economic fraud.
The adulteration of food, at least in recent U.S. experience, does not usually result in unsafe food; rather it is economic adulteration and hides the true, lower value of a product, thus deceiving consumers. In most cases harmless substances that reduce the cost of production are used but their use is not declared on the product label.
For example, according to the FDA web site, water was added to milk in the early 1900s to reduce manufacturers’ costs and thus boost profits. In recent years, FDA has won legal action against individuals who caused economic adulteration of foods such as orange juice, apple juice, maple syrup, honey, cream, olive oil, and seafood. For example, color has been added to trout to resemble salmon, a more expensive fish.
I recall one example of economic adulteration during early my years at FDA. Industry had begun to use high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as a sweetener in soft drinks. HFCS is chemically nearly indistinguishable from honey (one reason it was considered safe). Some firms added HFCS, a cheaper ingredient, to honey without disclosing the use of the added ingredient on the label. To detect cases of honey adulterated with HFCS, FDA had to develop sophisticated analytical methodology.
Cases of adulteration of orange juice show the huge profits that can be made by unscrupulous vendors who substitute cheaper ingredients and then label the product as a superior one (for example, “100% pure orange juice” adulterated with beet sugar). According to the FDA web site, one manufacturer defrauded consumers of over $45 million over a period of twenty years. Another manufacturer used beet sugar to adulterate orange juice to achieve $57 million in profit before FDA’s legal action led to conviction and sentencing.
FDA’s legal action can result in substantial fines and even prison time. Two brothers were convicted and fined $20,000 each and sentenced to 19 and 30 months in prison for adulterating foods such as honey and pure maple syrup. One firm was fined $120,000 for adding water to scallops which are sold by weight. FDA believes that such legal actions will discourage other unscrupulous vendors.
The chocolate, pastries, steamed meat buns, and egg products from China tainted with melamine have not caused any reported illness or deaths in Japan. However, the seriousness of the melamine incident in China is reflected in the reported deaths of four babies and illness of some 50,000 individuals. Last year pet food from China contaminated with melamine caused the deaths of many cats and dogs in the U.S. Recent media reports indicate that the Chinese leadership has acknowledged partial responsibility for the contaminated milk incident and will “draw deep lessons from it.” One can hope that China will look to Japan and the U.S. as it works to improve its food safety system.
REFERENCES Sacred Cow, Mad Cow, by Madeleine Ferrieres, Columbia University Press, 2006
History of the FDA
The 1906 Food and Drugs Act and Its Enforcement
Fake Food Fight
Picture:Harvey Wiley, third from right, is photographed with his staff from the Division of Chemistry, U.S. Department of Agriculture, not long after he arrived in Washington in 1883