Recently a video about a biotechnology company has appeared on NHK television, internet sites, and other sources that is critical of the firm’s approach to agricultural biotechnology and the United States Government’s role in supporting the technology. ( http://www.livevideo.com/video/embedLink/1C4FB64D50354B9A856504954B453CC9/580798/the-world-according-to-monsant.aspx ) This author was one of the individuals interviewed for the video concerning FDA’s food biotechnology policy. In the video, the reporter asserts that based on my comments, FDA’s policy was predicated on “politics” rather than on scientific information, an assertion that is not consistent with the discussion I gave during the interview. The video is a reminder that it is important to speak clearly, carefully, and succinctly during interviews so as not to provide an opportunity to be misunderstood or misrepresented.
2006年、私は、日本、台湾、韓国の各都市での講演を終え米国に戻ったすぐ後、New York Cityで当該ドキュメンタリーのインタビューを受けた。インタビューは、カメラ収録された。インタビューの途中で私は、リポーターがドキュメンタリーの中心となるある企業と米国の農業バイオテクノロジーに対する姿勢に偏見を持っているようだと気づいた。その後、そのドキュメンタリーについて何も知らされることはなかった。それについて知ったのはごく最近のことで、かつての同僚から連絡があり、私の発言について質問をしてきたのがきっかけだった。
別のケースでは、Washington, D.C.の中心にあるFDAの庁舎の前通りに小さな青果スタンドがあったのだが、リポーターは、その隣でインタビューを撮影したいと言ってきた。92年のその当時、FDAはバイテク政策を発表してはいたが、バイテク食品の科学的評価をまだ1つも終えてはいなかった。その映像は、バイテク食品はすでに店頭に並んでいるのだと人々に誤解を与えてしまう恐れがあると感じられた。
Lessons learned but momentarily forgotten can leave lasting negative impressions. This case was exceptional in my experience. However, it leads me to recall some of the situations that arose during more than ten years of speaking on behalf of FDA about food biotechnology. An interview can give one an opportunity to inform others about an issue but in some cases may serve to give an impression that the person being interviewed does not intend.
In 2006 I was interviewed for the referenced video in New York City, having returned from a speaking tour of several cities in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. The interview was conducted on camera. Midway through the interview, I realized that the reporter seemed to have a bias against the firm and the U.S. approach to agricultural biotechnology. Since that time, I had not heard about the video until I was contacted by a colleague recently and asked about my statements.
On viewing the video, I was surprised that I had used the word “political” in discussing the 1986 U.S. policy. The video does not show the explanation that I gave prior to that remark regarding the extensive scientific data and information that was the foundation of the U.S. government’s policy. The reporter stated in the video that I confirmed that the U.S. policy was based on politics rather than on science. That statement contradicts the interview I gave. My use of the word “political” was unfortunate and illustrates how important one’s choice of words can be.
During the more than ten years that I represented FDA to the print and broadcast media, my experience with reporters was quite different. Almost without exception, I found that reporters wanted to understand and accurately represent FDA’s food biotechnology policy. Of course, one must expect that alternative views will be included in articles, so it is important to give the reporter a statement that is concise and clear. An interview such as this video is more difficult to control when the questions are very general and recording time is not limited. One has to stay focused.
Images as well as words can affect the message. On several occasions, a reporter asked me to put on a scientist’s lab coat and be interviewed in an FDA laboratory. We declined such requests because I was not a bench scientist at the time, nor did FDA conduct any laboratory research on biotech foods. Thus, the image that would have been conveyed to the public did not seem appropriate.
In another case, the reporter wanted to film the interview next to a small fruit and vegetable stand on the sidewalk outside of the FDA building in downtown Washington, D.C. At that time in 1992, FDA had published its biotech policy but had not completed a scientific evaluation of any biotech food. We felt the image could mislead the public to think biotech foods were already on the market.
Instead, the reporter suggested that the interview be conducted with a view of the U.S. Capitol building (the equivalent of the Diet in Tokyo) in the background because it was close to the FDA building. We agreed, however, there were other buildings in the area that prevented a view of the Capitol from the street level. I was surprised when the FDA Press Officer said that we could do the interview from the top of the FDA building with a fine view of the Capitol. It happened that the top of the building, was flat with no retaining wall around it (I am not fond of heights). Of course, the reporter wanted me to stand near the edge so he could get the best view of the Capitol. I could hear the traffic from a busy expressway far below. I did my best to concentrate on answering the reporter’s questions, but I was very aware that my legs were shaking. Afterwards, the FDA Press Officer said that I did very well, but I never again volunteered for a roof top appearance.
A strategically placed word in an image may convey a different meaning than the person being interviewed intends. Following an interview for People Magazine, a popular magazine in the U.S., the reporter asked if she could take my picture. I agreed expecting to have a quick snapshot taken, but the photographer had an elaborate set up prepared in the FDA conference room, complete with a large chart that I had used to in presentations on FDA’s new food biotech policy.
He asked me to pose in front of the chart that was a copy of an illustration from a U.S. National Research Council report on biotechnology. The chart showed that improved methods of plant breeding have evolved over time and refers to these advances as the increasing “power” of new breeding methods, including molecular advances. I realized that the photographer wanted the word “power” to appear beside me in the photograph, though the chart itself would not be visible.
Fortunately, he agreed to dispense with the chart and use the large map of the world that was on the wall in the room that I thought made a more neutral background. Images are important tools in communication that can enhance the intended message to the public. It is important to work with reporters who must market their products in a competitive world. They need material that is interesting to attract readers and viewers, but that material must not distort the message of the person being interviewed.
Most reporters want to accurately convey the views of the individuals they interview, though there are exceptions, as was the case for the video that prompted this article. Speaking clearly and concisely is the best assurance that one’s message will be reported accurately.